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Installation Instructions  Managing DTLinux Remotely
Domain Time DTLinux
Version 5.2

DTLinux is designed to easily integrate with other Domain Time products, such as Domain Time II Manager and Audit Server. When you connect to DTLinux from Manager, you gain the ability to remotely configure the system, graphically display its performance, create configuration templates to apply to other DTLinux systems, register multiple systems at once, perform remote upgrades and more.


In order to connect, you will need to be running Domain Time II Manager v5.2.b.20201116 or later.

    Connection is made over ports 9909/udp and 9909/tcp, so these will need to be permitted through your network and on your DTLinux systems. Also, you must connect from an IP address that is permitted in the Domain Time II Security section of its dtlinux.conf file.

    Additional permissions are required to perform remote upgrades and to remotely restart the DTLinux service. These are also configured in the Domain Time II Security section of its dtlinux.conf file.

Connect to DTLinux

If you have configured Manager's Network Discovery correctly, DTLinux machines should show up automatically in the Domain Time Nodes section of Manager. To connect, simply double-click the machine's name or right-click and choose Control Panel from the context menu. Note that you can also connect from any screen in Manager where the machine is displayed, such as the Domains and Workgroups section or the Real-Time Alerts page.

    Adding machines manually
    If your network does not permit broadcast or multicast Network Discovery, you can add DTlinux machines to Manager manually. To do this, right-click the Domains and Workgroups icon in the left-hand column and choose Add Computer from the context-menu. You may also press the INS key. Enter the DNS name or IP address of the DTLinux system. It will be added to the appropriate section under Domains and Workgroups. You can connect to it and audit it from there.

    Note: DTLinux must already be installed on the remote machine in order to add it to Manager. For security reasons, remote install and removal are not supported for DTLinux. Use your organization's package deployment system to install DTLinux, or install it manually on each machine.

    You can also add multiple machines to Manager at once. See Manager's Batch Add instructions.

The Control Panel

When you connect to DTLinux, you'll see the Control Panel. You can perform most management tasks from this screen.

    Editing the dtlinux.conf file
    The currently-loaded dtlinux.conf file is displayed in the editing window of the Control Panel. You can make any changes you like to the file. When you click the Apply button, the changed file is pushed up to DTLinux and it takes effect immediately. The Save & Exit button also pushes the file to DTLinux and exits the Control Panel. The Close button exits the Control Panel without making any changes.

    Manager - The DTLinux Control Panel
    Manager - The DTLinux Control Panel   [Click for smaller size]

    Tool Buttons
    The three buttons on the bottom-left of the Control Panel provide quick access to common tasks.

    • The Sync button triggers DTLinux to do an immediate synchronization with its time sources. You'll receive a confirmation of the trigger.
    • The Log File button displays the log viewer applet showing the active service log (/var/log/domtime/dtlinux.log). This contains DTLinux activity from this machine. Log Levels (Info, Trace, Debug, etc.) for this log are controlled in the Logs and Folders section of the dtlinux.conf file. You may also use the File: dropdown on the log viewer to view cached versions of other DTLinux machines you have viewed previously.
    • The SSH button will allow you to connect to the machine via ssh. You must have an ssh client installed on your Manager machine. ssh must also be configured on the Linux system.

    Menu Commands
    The Control Panel menu contains a wide variety of useful features.

      • Backup Configuration
        Saves a copy of the dtlinux.conf file to a local file.

      • Restore Configuration
        Restores the backup copy created using the previous command to the editing window. You must then Apply the changes if you want the configuration pushed up to the running DTLinux system.

      • Service Log File
        Displays the DTLinux Service Log. This is the same as clicking the Log File tool button described above.


      • Find
        Takes you to the Find search box to quickly locate text in the .conf file.

      • Network Adapters
        This command displays the list of network adapters on the DTLinux system. You can use this tool to restrict DTLinux to using a single adapter or tell it to use all adapters (the default). This corresponds to the network:adapterName entry in the Network Settings section of the dtlinux.conf file. Use caution when limiting DTLinux to a single adapter. You may lose connectivity from Manager if you select the wrong interface.

      • Protocol Settings
        This dialog allows you to easily configure many of the time and network protocols used by DTLinux. You can enable IPv6, whether DTLinux will act as an NTP server, whether to use PTP to synchronize, set PTP Profile options, and more.

      • Time Sources
        You may edit the list of time sources DTLinux will contact using this dialog. Checked entries are active.

      • Symmetric Keys
        Use this dialog to configure your symmetric authentication keys, and also set your PTP v2.1 authentication options. You may also use the Import and Export functions to create or import .keys files to share symmetric keys between machines.

      • Log File Settings
        Use this dialog to configure the log level and retention settings for DTLinux Service Log File. You can also set file path locations for the Service Log and Synchronization records files, and enable loopstats, peerstats, or PTP stats files. Settings on this dialog correspond to the Logs and Folders and Loop Variables sections of the dtlinux.conf file.

      Graphs & Statistics

      • Open Drift Graph
        This displays the drift graph showing time corrections made using DT2 or NTP, or summary information for the loop period if using PTP. The data is collected at the rate selected by the loop:checkInterval entry in the Loop Variables section of the dtlinux.conf file.

      • Open PTP Drift Graph
        This displays the drift graph showing individual PTP sync data. The data is collected at the rate sync packets are received from the PTP Master. Click a dot to see its data, or you can click the Raw Data button to see detailed statistics and individual data records.

      • Auto-Refresh Drift Graphs
        Toggles whether the drift graphs are updated automatically while viewing them.
        About Drift Logs
      • Click a dot in a drift graph to see its data in the lower-left-hand corner of the graph, or you can click the button to see detailed statistics and individual data records.
      • Drift graph files are binary and have a .dt extension and are kept on the DTLinux machine in the /var/logs/domtime/ folder. When you view the graph using Manager's Control Panel, a copy is made in the Manager's \Program Files\Domain Time II\DTLinux\Drift\ folder.
      • Drift files are limited in size and older data scrolls off as new information is acquired. You may, however, use Domain Time II Audit Server to collect logs centrally and maintain them for historical and audit purposes. See the Synchronization (Drift) Logs section of the Audit Server documentation.
      • Drift files can be converted into .txt and .csv formats using either Linux or Windows:
        • DTLinux
          dtcheck [filename].dt -txt
          dtcheck [filename].dt -csv
        • Windows
          dtdrift - convert [filename].dt (converts to .txt)
          dtdrift - convert -csv [filename].dt (converts to .csv) You may add the -noheader switch to omit header info.
          See the DTDRIFT.EXE discussion for full details.

        In addition, Audit Server has the ability to automatically convert drift files. See the Conversions section of the Audit Server documentation.

      • Statistics This command displays computer information, synchronization status, and the current operating statistics for DTLinux.

      • PTP Statistics & Masters
        This command displays full statistics for the PTP protocol on DTLinux. In addition the PTP Masters link on that page will display all PTP Masters visible to the DTLinux machine. This is extremely useful in diagnosing PTP issues.

      • Reset Statistics
        This resets all statistics and deletes all information in the drift logs. Use with care.

      > Templates are snippets of a configuration file (for example, the PTP settings section) that you can save to use again, either on the same DTLinux node or another one. Templates make it easy to update just a portion of a configuration file without searching through the file and manually typing or pasting. Once you have saved a template, you can access it through Manager’s Options -> Manage Templates menu, and you may apply the template to one or more machines using Manager’s Reset Configuration function.

      • Create New Template
        This option will allow you to decide which sections of the current dtlinux.conf file to include in your new template. Templates are saved in the
        \Program Files\Domain Time II\Templates\Client\ folder on your Manager machine.

        Once created, you'll have the option to edit the file.

      • View/Edit Templates

        This lets you browse the Client templates folder to choose a template to edit. The selected file will open in Notepad.


      • View Service Status
        Displays the current DTLinux service status (equivalent to running the
        systemctl status dtlinux.service command at the console).

      • Service Unit File
        Shows the Service Unit file used by the Linux systemd init service controller.

      • Persistent Storage File
        Displays the contents of the Persistent Storage file, which contains machine-specific information such as the PTP ClockID, clock timings, TAI-UTC offset, serial numbers, etc.

      • Startup Log
        Shows the Debug-level log of the most recent startup of the DTLinux service.

      • Update Log
        Displays the update history of this system.

      • Reload Service Parameters
        Reloads the service paramenters (equivalent to running the
        systemctl reload dtlinux.service command at the console).

      • Restart Service
        Restarts the DTLinux service (equivalent to running the
        systemctl restart dtlinux.service command at the console). Note, the dt2Secuirty:managerRestart permission must be set in the Domain Time II Security section of the dtlinux.conf file to permit this.


      • Create Problem Report
        Creates a compressed file named [hostname] containing useful troubleshooting data, logs, and configuration info. Provide this file to Technical Support if you need to open a Trouble Ticket.

    Other Manager Commands

    In addition to the commands on the Control Panel, there are several important commands available from Manager's various displays. These are found on the context menu when you select a machine from the Domains and Workgroups, Domain Time Nodes, or Real-Time Alerts lists. Pick your machine, and right-click to display the context menu.

    • Synchronize
      This command triggers the selected machine to synchronize with its configuration time sources. You'll receive a confirmation of the trigger.

    • Statistics
      This command displays computer information, synchronization status, and the current operating statistics for DTLinux.

    • Auditing
      Only available if you have Audit Server installed. Lets you choose to audit this machine, and select to which Audit Group it belongs. See the Alerts and Audit Groups page in the Audit Server documentation.

    • Upgrade
      As of v5.2.b.20210205, you may use Domain Time Manager to push an upgrade to remote DTLinux machines. This allows you to quickly upgrade one system or many machines at once. The option will be available if
      • the version of your Manager is newer than the version installed on the remote system and
      • the Domain Time Manager has been configured as an upstream update source (see the UpdatingDTLinux.html file located in the DTLinux distribution files or in the /opt/domtime folder of your DTLinux system) and
      • the dt2Security:managerUpgrade permission has been granted in the Domain Time II Security section of the dtlinux.conf file
      • the dt2Security:managerReadOnly setting is set to False in the Domain Time II Security section of the dtlinux.conf file

    • Reset Configuration
      Allows you to apply templates to one or more machines. See the Reset Configuration page in the Manager documentation.

    • Register Eval Version
      This very useful feature allows you to apply your registration key to one or machines at once.

      Simply select the machines you want to register from any Manager list (Domains and Workgroups, Domain Time Nodes, or Real-Time Alerts), right-click and choose Register Eval Version from the context menu.

      You'll be prompted to enter your registration key. Manager will then proceed to register your selected machines.

    • Reset Keyring
      Use this command to push out your master symmetric keyring to one or more machines. Symmetric keys are used for authentication of NTP and DT2 packets. Machines must each have the same keys defined in order to authenticate traffic between them. These user-defined keys are kept in a keyring file (
      /etc/opt/domtime/dtlinux.keys) on DTLinux. They are kept in a protected registry key on Windows.

      Domain Time Manager uses the keyring defined in the Domain Time Server installed on the Manager machine as the master keyring. You should configure Domain Time Server with the keys you want to use among your machines. You can then use Reset Keyring to push out the keys to your other machines.

      See the Symmetric Key Authentication section of the Domain Time Server documentation for a full discussion of symmetric authentication and how to configure the keyring on Server.

    • Verify
      Verify contacts the selected machine to verify connectivity and updates the Domain Time Manager database with the latest information about the machine. Use this command if you are having difficulty contacting the machine or after registering (to show the change).

      Additional commands available on the Real-Time Alerts context menu if you have Audit Server installed:

      • History
        Audit Server keeps a history file of Real-Time Alerts received from each reporting machine. This command displays the history file so you can review past alerts.

      • Configure Real-Time Alerts
        This is a convenient way to set the Real-Time Alert configuration on one or more machines. Fill out the dialog and Manager will push out the settings to DTLinux. These settings may also be found in the Domain Time II Real-Time Alerts section of the dtlinux.conf file.


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Domain Time II Software distributed by Microsemi, Inc.
Documentation copyright © 1995-2025 Greyware Automation Products, Inc.
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