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Domain Time II
Version 5.2

System Requirements

This page explains the supported versions and basic system requirements for using Domain Time II.

    Supported versions

    Operating System Supported
    32-bit 64-bit Server Client Manager Audit
    Windows (Intel/AMD)
      XP, Vista, Win7, Win8, Win10, Win11
      Server 2003/R2, 2008/R2, 2012/R2, 2016, 2019, 2022, 2025  
    Version 5.2 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
    Linux (Intel/AMD), Kernel 2.6.30 or later Version 5.2 Y Y


Version 5.2 Basic Requirements
These are the system requirements for the current version of Domain Time II (except where noted). System requirements for older versions are here.

  • Windows XP, 2003 (&R2), Vista, 2008 (&R2), Win7, Win8.x, 2012 (&R2), Win10, Win11, 2016, 2019, 2022, 2025
  • 32-bit (x86) and 64-bit (x64) versions available. ARM is not supported. TCP/IP Port Usage

  • Linux x86_64 distro running in 64-bit mode. Kernel version 2.6.30 (minimum), version 3.0 or later (preferred),
    with systemd init service controller (not the older inet.d "SysV" type)
  • 64-bit (x64) Intel-architecture. ARM is not supported. TCP/IP Port Usage

  • Hardware: Typically, any Intel-architecture machine capable of running Windows (32 or 64-bit) or Linux (64-bit) may run Domain Time.
  • Machines running Server require sufficient memory for packet buffering and maintaining the number of TCP/UDP connections used (varies by the number of client machines contacted). See Choose the right machine(s) for more info. Machines running Manager/Audit Server also require sufficient disk space for holding collected audit records (see the Application Notes below).


    Specific Application Notes:

    .  Domain Time II Client for Windows

    • Domain Time II Client may be used on virtual machines. Please see How to configure Domain Time on a virtual machine.
    • DTTray System Tray applet not accessible when running on Windows Server Core.
    • Nano Server may require MS SNMP trap support (wsnmp32.dll) be manually copied to the /system32 folder before Domain Time installation.
    • Installed disk usage (not including log files): ~ 6.0 Meg

    .  Domain Time II Client for Linux (DTlinux)

    .  Domain Time II Server

    • Domain Time II Server may be used with caution on a virtual machine. Please see How to configure Domain Time on a virtual machine.
    • DTTray System Tray applet not accessible when running on Windows Server Core.
    • Nano Server may require MS SNMP trap support (wsnmp32.dll) be manually copied to the /system32 folder before Domain Time installation.
    • Installed disk usage (not including log files): ~ 6.4 Meg

    .  Domain Time II Management Tools

    • The Management Tools consist of Domain Time II Manager plus a number of special-use utilities and services.
    • Any tools that calculate comparative time variances (such as Domain Time II Manager, Domain Time II Monitor Service, DTCheck utility, etc.) provide less accurate results when executed from a virtual OS. They should be run on a physical machine, if possible. Please see How to configure Domain Time on a virtual machine.
    • Some functions require file access through administrative file shares and Remote Registry access using Windows Networking.
    • Manager makes numerous UDP and TCP connections to remote machines. You must have sufficient system resources (memory and processing bandwith) to handle the number of network connections, which increase proportionally to the number of machines being managed.
    • Manager and many of the Management Tools will not run on Nano Server.
    • Installed disk usage (not including database or log files): ~ 14.5 Meg

      .  Domain Time II Manager

      • Manager requires that Domain Time II Server be installed first. Server and Manager must be installed on the same machine and be the same version.

      .  Domain Time II Monitor Service

      • Monitor can be installed and run from the Manager machine or installed independently on any other physical machine.
      • Monitor will provide less accurate results when executed from a virtual OS. It should be run on a physical machine, if possible. Please see How to configure Domain Time on a virtual machine.
      • Installed disk usage (included with Manager)

      .  Domain Time II Update Server

      • Update Server must be installed on a machine running Domain Time II Manager v5.2 or later.
      • Installed disk usage (included with Manager)

    .  Domain Time II Audit Server

    • Audit Server requires both Domain Time II Server and Manager. All three components must installed on the same physical machine and be the same version.
    • Audit Server acts as a plug-in to Domain Time Manager and shares its view of the network.
    • Audit Server is not supported on Windows 2003/2003R2/XP or earlier versions.
    • Audit Server will not run on Nano Server.
    • Domain Time II Audit Server will provide less accurate results when executed from a virtual OS. It should be run on a physical machine, if possible. Please see How to configure Domain Time on a virtual machine.
    • Audit Server makes numerous UDP and TCP connections to remote machines. You must have sufficient system resources (memory and processing bandwith) to handle the number of network connections, which increase proportionally to the number of machines being audited. If you use the new PTP Monitor, these requirements can significantly increase due to the "chatty" nature of the additional PTP protocol and management message traffic.
    • The Audit Server machine must have sufficient disk space to hold all audit records and sync logs collected. You may use the Audit Disk Space Estimator to calculate disk usage for Audit Records. Sync log sizes can be estimated based on ~20 bytes of log space per synchronization.
    • Some functions require file access through administrative file shares using Windows Networking.
    • Collected Sync Log files, Daily Audit Summaries, and Audit records cannot be viewed from Audit Server running on Windows Server Core.
    • Installed disk usage (not including log files): ~ 3.6 Meg


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Domain Time II Software distributed by Microsemi, Inc.
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