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Domain Time II
Version 5.x


Version 5.2 Changelog
Click the link to jump to the change details for that build

BuildRelease Type
5.2.b.20250101Current Version - Recommended Upgrade
5.2.b.20240922Optional Upgrade
5.2.b.20240425Optional Upgrade
5.2.b.20240101Optional Upgrade
5.2.b.20230302Optional Upgrade
5.2.b.20221031Optional Upgrade
5.2.b.20220714Optional Upgrade
5.2.b.20220322Optional Upgrade
Older 5.2 Releases2010-2021 Releases

Version 5.2 Changelog

5.2.b.20250101 Current Version - Recommended Upgrade

One major improvement and several minor enhancements. Added support for precise version of setting the system time adjustment. See DTServer / DTClient below for more information. Improved hypervisor detection for machines running on Amazon's EC2 platform (both Intel and AMD). Removed obsolete information from the readme.txt files included with all distributions.

  • DTLinux
  • DTServer / DTClient
    • Added support for Microsoft's SetSystemTimeAdjustmentPrecise() on operating systems that support it (Win11 or later, Win2019 or later, and up-to-date versions of Win10). This functionalty can significantly improve accuracy and precision.
    • Removed obsolete/unused registry entries from Parameters and PTPv2 subkeys.
    • Improved advanced training calculations to reduce the time required to determine the optimum value, and also to account for very small adjustments allowed by SetSystemTimeAdjustmentPrecise().
    • Eliminated full reset of filters when changing from one PTP master to another. This provides a smoother transition event.
    • Eliminated error message in log at first timecheck event if PTP has acquired a master but has not yet recorded any time samples.
    • Changed to allow advanced clock training if the machine has PTP enabled but is not a slave. Formerly, advanced clock training was disallowed if PTP was enabled at all.
  • All Windows Components
    • Changed the parent window used when displaying data using Microsoft's notepad.exe. This prevents Windows 11 or later from treating Notepad as a modal app (which forces you to close Notepad before continuing with any Domain Time application).
    • Included code for auto-closing Notepad on Win11 or later when Notepad is set to use tabs instead of a new window.
  • Audit Server
    • Added a function to clean up stale Real-Time Alerts. This feature is disabled by default; you may configure it from Manager's Real-Time Alerts Configuration/Advanced page. "Stale" refers to a node that is no longer sending Real-Time Alerts, either because the node has been decommissioned or it has been configured to stop sending Real-Time Alerts. This function is essentially the same as selecting a node from Manager's Real-Time Alert page and deleting it. If a deleted node begins sending Real-Time Alerts again, it will automatically be added back to the list. The default period of time that must pass before a node is considered stale is 60 days. The allowed range is 1-365 days. Auto-cleanup activity shows in Audit Server's log at the Trace level. If enabled, cleanup runs at service startup and periodically thereafter.
  • Manager
    • Improved window position saving/restoring, including cascading when Manager opens multiple instances of the same program (DTDrift, DTReader). Also allowed Manager to open graphs and reports above Manager in the window Z-order and to remain on top. You may enable this new behavior in Manager's Interface Options dialog.
    • Changed several "Do not show again this session" popup messages into "Do not show again" (your choice is saved in the registry). All of these confirmation messages pertain to the DTLinux Control Panel applet built into Manager. Important confirmation messages remain session-based
  • Drift Graphs
    • On raw data textual conversions, removed leading + or − on medians and averages where the value is zero.
    • For graphs containing phase information, added a "p" to the phase number if it refers to precise system time adjustment values. Precise time adjustments use much larger numbers and vary much more than ordinary time adjustments. The trailing p lets you know why the phase numbers are outside the normal range.
    • Added optional -utc switch to load a graphical drift using UTC instead of local time. Example: dtdrift -utc c:\windows\system32\drift.dt Without the -utc parameter, the graph displays points (and raw data) using the machine's current local time zone.
    • Raw data textual conversions now contain the source's version number in the header (where available and meaningful, i.e., DTLinux, DTClient, or DTServer). Also added the node type (NTP, PTP, or Drift) and operating system information (where available).
    • Added Center Window on Screen to the system menu (upper-left corner). When clicked, this will move the graph to the center of the monitor on which it's currently displayed. Shortcut: Alt-Space-W.
    • Added Always on Top checkbox to the system menu (upper-left corner) so you can toggle any individual graph from topmost to non-topmost regardless of how the program was launched. This item only affects the current window. Shortcut: Alt-Space-A.
    • Added Local timezone checkbox to the system menu (upper-left corner) so you can toggle any individual graph back and forth from local time to UTC, regardless of how the program was launched. This item only affects the current window. Shortcut: Alt-Space-L.
    • Fixed bug in textual conversion of DTAudit-generated NTP drift graphs that prevented the text from showing the NTP node's source stratum and leap indicator.
    • Enhanced textual conversion of drift data to make the Time Source field dynamically sized (so any mixture of IPv4 and IPv6 sources will fit correctly).
    • Enhanced textual conversion of PTP drift files to show the effective NTP stratum of the source. PTP uses stepsRemoved, where zero means the same as NTP stratum 1 (primary), and so forth.
  • DTReader (Audit Report viewer)
    • Added Center Window on Screen to the system menu (upper-left corner). When clicked, this will move the Audit Report to the center of the monitor on which it's currently displayed. Shortcut: Alt-Space-W.
    • Added Always on Top checkbox to the system menu (upper-left corner) so you can toggle any individual Audit Report from topmost to non-topmost regardless of how the program was launched. This item only affects the current window. Shortcut: Alt-Space-A.
  • Control Panel Applet
    • Added radio buttons Min, Max, and Normal to the dialog for creating/editing symmetric keys. This control the length of randomly generated keys. The default is Normal, which generates a key of a length accepted by most appliances and other servers. Prior versions always generated the maximum allowed length, meaning you had to manually edit the result if you wanted a shorter key.
  • DTCheck
    • Enhanced -monitorSTA to show both SystemTimeAdjustment and SystemTimeAdjustmentPrecise (when supported by the operating system).
    • Added parameter to -swTimestamps:enable and -swTimestamps:disable to allow you to specify one (or more) specific adapters. The default operation is to enable or disable all eligible adapters. To limit the changes, specify -name=adapter[,adapter...] using the "friendly" adapter name (the one shown when looking at the list of NICs). For example, to enable NDIS timestamps on the adapter called Ethernet, use -swtimestamps:en -name:Ethernet. If the friendly name contains spaces, you must enclose the name in double quotation marks. For exampe, to disable timestamping on Ethernet 1 and Ethernet 2, use -swtimestamps:disable -name:"Ethernet 1","Ethernet 2" and so forth.
    • Added -swts as a shorter synonym for the -swtimestamps switch.
    • Fixed bug with -ptpMasters -noExpired (the -noExpired option was being ignored when the expiry reason was missed announces).

5.2.b.20240922 - Optional Upgrade

Support for Windows Server 2025.

Symmetric key support for SHA256 and SHA512 for DT2 and NTP protocols. NOTE: Only MD5 and SHA1 are universally supported by NTP appliances. Your NTP time source may or may not support SHA256 or SHA512 hash types.

Added symmetric key type name (MD5, SHA1, etc) to all dropdown lists of key numbers. This is a cosmetic change to help identify the type of key being chosen.

  • DTLinux
  • Control Panel Applet
    • Fixed problem with right-click popup menu on the time sources list on multi-monitor displays.

5.2.b.20240425 - Optional Upgrade

Minor fixes and enhancements.

  • DTLinux
  • DTServer
    • Fix for PTP master announce stepsRemoved field when the registry NTP Server Stratum value is non-zero.

  • Audit Server
    • Changed display in audit reports from using scientific notation to decimal representation (only affects very small values; for example using 0.000050 instead of 5e-5).
    • Changed mechanism for obtaining reference time when using "Use this machine's list of time sources" and the audit machine is a PTP slave, to use the current PTP master's IP, offset, and stratum instead of querying the list of NTP or DT2 sources. If the audit machine doesn't happen to be a PTP slave, then the normal use of listed sources operates as before. This change affects the Audit Server's log file as well as Audit Result reports.

  • Manager and Monitor
    • Same change as detailed above for Audit Server in regards to reporting the source of the reference time.

  • Control Panel Applet
    • On the Obtain the Time/Correction Limits page, the Reset to Defaults button was not resetting the excess latency checkbox or associate value.
    • Fixed production of zero-length ptpMasters.txt when the CPL's focus is set to a remote machine. This only affects generation of file(s) for inclusion in sending a Problem Report from the Support page.

  • All Products
    • Microsemi-branded versions of all products, including DTLinux: Changed to remove Microsemi logo and replace Microsemi name and contact information to Microchip (Microsemi's parent company).

5.2.b.20240101 - Optional Upgrade

Two minor fixes in DTCheck; one enhancement to Audit Server.

  • DTLinux
  • Audit Server
    • Changed interpretation of Audit Server's email subject lines (found at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Greyware\Domain Time II Audit Server\Logs and Alerts\SMTP) to allow substitution variables %date% and %machinename% to be replaced by the current date and reporting machine (respectively).

  • DTCheck
    • Fixed invalid character in the -variance report output display.
    • Changed default Internet leap-seconds.list source from IETF to IANA (IETF no longer supports the leap seconds list).

5.2.b.20230302 - Optional Upgrade

Two minor changes to alerting and logging.

  • DTLinux
  • Client/Server Server
    • Fixed sending out "bounds exceeded" SNMP trap on first correction after startup when the checkbox for ignoring startup is checked.
    • Changed messages about virtualization changes (for example, live migration) from warning level to information level.

5.2.b.20221031 - Optional Upgrade

One important fix for Audit Server.

  • DTLinux
  • Audit Server
    • Fix for Audit Server's Daily Drift CSV report mistakenly interpreting DTLinux drift records as milliseconds instead of nanoseconds.

  • Domain Time Server
    • Changed default for new installations of DTServer in slave mode (domain hierarchy) to not use Windows RID-based authentication.

  • Drift Graphs
    • Changed text on drift graph display to say "N/A" instead of "unknown" when the phase adjustment is either inapplicable to the type of graph, or the value is zero.

5.2.b.20220714 - Optional Upgrade

Fixed a problem with formatting multiple recipients when sending email to GMail (Google changed its header parsing rules). Enabled support for software RX timestamps on Win11 and Win2022 (Win10 and Win2019 already have support in place). Added Remote Scan feature to DTServer, which can be used by Manager and Audit Server on large segregated networks. Other minor enhancements.

  • DTLinux
  • Manager
    • Added section to the Network Discovery dialog allowing you to specify Remote Scan options. Remote Scan works by contacting Domain Time Servers on other networks and having them perform a broadcast/multicast scan on Manager's behalf. The remote Domain Time Server(s) must be running version 5.2.b.20220414 or later, and must have Remote Scan enabled. Useful in complex networks where broadcast and multicast queries cannot reach remote subnets. A Domain Time Server positioned on the remote subnet can return a list of nodes visible to it.

  • Audit Server
    • Audit Server inherits the Remote Scan settings described above.

  • DTServer/DTClient
    • Increased number of retries obtaining domain/forest information to account for lazy network startup in Win10/Win2019 and above.
    • Added Remote Scan (DTServer only) functionality. This allows Manager and Audit Server to gather network information visible to the remote DTServer. Functionality is disabled by default. To enable, use the Control Panel applet's Security tab. Click the Commands... button and tick the box for Remote Scan. This box will only appear on versions of Domain Time Server 5.2.b.20220414 or later.

  • DTCheck
    • Changed -resetserial and -reload to allow operation via authenticated UDP transaction on Windows machines (instead of stopping and restarting the service). This capability is already built into DTLinux and DTClient/DTServer, but dtcheck only used it on Linux nodes.
    • Added -remoteScan function (see Manager and DTServer above). This function lets you test a remote Domain Time Server for compatibility, and shows the information it would return if used by Manager/Audit Server.
    • Enhanced -interfaces command to display the NIC internal clock frequency (when available).
    • Enhanced -stats2 command to display the type of timestamping supported.

5.2.b.20220322 - Optional Upgrade

Minor fixes and enhancements.

  • Miscellaneous
    • Added Windows display version (the same as winver.exe shows) to logs and startup banners, e.g., Windows 10 21H1 (display version) instead of Windows 10 2009 (actual version number).
    • Fixed problem with dialog box upper-left small icon "sticking" to most recently used icon.

  • DTLinux
  • Manager
    • Added update of license files when upgrading a DTLinux client via "push" update from Manager.

  • DTServer/DTClient Control Panel Applet
    • Added support for specifying syslog port number to override the default target port 514/udp. You may add :n, where n is the desired port number. For example: (IPv4 literal), [2600:1f18::1]:777 (IPv6 literal -- brackets are required), or (DNS name). In all of these examples, syslog output will be sent to port 777.
    • Added support for "Do not change audit group" to the dropdown beside the "Always audit this machine" checkbox. Requires Audit Server 5.2.b.20220111 or later to work properly.

  • NTPCheck
    • Added -rtt switch to show originate and terminate timestamps, and display total round-trip time. Ignored if -raw is not also specified. Ignored if output is either -json or -csv.

  • DTCheck
    • Fixed typo in -help text.
    • Eliminated requirement for Remote Registry service for certain operations targetting the local machine (specified by providing no target, using the machine's NetBIOS name, using the IP, or the IP ::1).
    • Removed test routines for obsolete bc635/637 PCI clock cards.

  • SDK
    • Added atomic copy to GetPTPStats() to prevent rare race condition.
    • Updated comments inside APITest.cpp to demonstrate how to get the full path/filename of the loaded DLL, and how to convert hectonanoseconds to either microseconds or milliseconds.

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Domain Time II Software distributed by Microsemi, Inc.
Documentation copyright © 1995-2025 Greyware Automation Products, Inc.
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