The status indicator lamp on each list item shows the highest severity level found during that scan. Note that this indicator may show a problem even
if a specific alert threshold was not crossed. For example, you would see a severity indicator of yellow if the Monitor Service wasn't
able to contact its reference clock, even if all of the scanned machines were within the selected range of variance.
The Selected History Record traffic lights on the right are a graphical representation of the alarm condition thresholds in place
when the selected scan was run. If any machine exceeded the indicated threshold, the lights will indicate which alert was raised.
The average and worst variances for each type of machine contacted during the scan are also displayed.
Use the Delete Record link to remove the selected scan record.
View Graphs...
Clicking this link will bring up a graphical display summarized from all of your collected data. You must have collected at least two
scans to be able to generate the graphs.
You can select from a wide variety of graph types that let you see at a glance how well your network is being synchronized.
You can also adjust the scale of the graph to your desired level of accuracy.