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Domain Time II Agent
Version 4.2

Service Tab

IMPORTANT: The Windows Time Agent has been discontinued. It may or may not work as expected on versions of Windows newer then Win7/2008. In particular, Microsoft has changed some (but not all) of the Windows Time parameters, and has added additional types of synchronization. This applet is unaware of the newer features. Use at your own risk.

Use the Domain Time II Windows Time Service tab to stop and start the Windows Time service and enable debug logging.

Windows Time Agent: Service tab
Windows Time Agent: Service tab   [Click for larger size]

The Service Status section lets you start or stop the Windows Time service, and set the service startup flag (Automatic, Manual, or Disabled).

The Service Debug Log File section allows you to enable an extremely detailed debug log of all Windows Time service activity. This log can be extremely useful in tracking down problems when the Windows Time service is not synchronizing correctly.

    Enable Debug Log File
    Enables or disables debug logging. You must stop and restart the Windows Time service after changing this setting.

      Log File Path and Name:
      Use this field to specify the path and filename to use for the debug log file. This path must be on a local hard drive.

      Note: On Windows Vista and above, the Windows Time service doesn't have sufficient NTFS file system rights to create its own debug log file (it merely creates "Access Denied" errors in the System event log). You must therefore manually add Modify permissions for the Local Service account to the folder you select for your debug log file.

      Log File Maximum Size: (megabytes)
      This sets the maximum size for the debug log. The log can grow quite quickly, so be sure you specify enough space to capture events for the time period you want to examine.

      Log File Entries:
      This field specifies what level of detail you want included in the debug log. 0-300 is the maximum level of detail. Microsoft documentation indicates a setting of 0-116 will give basic details.

      Click the button to view the log in real-time.


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Domain Time II Software distributed by Microsemi, Inc.
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