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Client Corrections Client Correction Limits
Domain Time II Server
Version 5.2

These correction limits are recommended to Clients by the Master and Slaves:

Note: This property page will only appear on the Master Server. See Domain Role for more information on the Master, Slave, and Independent Server roles.

CAUTION: The default settings on this page are usually correct for most applications. Only make changes if you are sure you need them and you fully understand the effects of the change. Incorrect settings may adversely affect your clock accuracy or even prevent clock corrections entirely.

    These settings will only take effect on clients if:

    1. The Recommend timings and correction limits to clients that ask for guidelines checkbox is checked on the Master Server's Recommendations page.

    2. The Accept server's recommended settings (if provided) checkbox is checked on the Client's Timings page.


AS OF v5.2.b.20170922, the Minimum Correction setting is obsolete and has been removed from the applet
The documentation in this section is for reference purposes on older versions only. If you still need to change this value, please see the Client Settings registry key on the Clients themselves.

 Minimum Correction 

Variances smaller than milliseconds will not cause a correction (unless overridden below)

This setting controls the minimum amount the clock must be off from the time source(s) before it is corrected during a time check.

    If you are using a variable synchronization schedule (see the Timings page), you will probably not want to incur the extra overhead of correcting the clock if the variance found during a time check is smaller than your selected synchronization target.

    For example, if you have instructed Domain Time to aim for a target variance of 25 ms, you do not need to make a clock correction if the detected clock variance during a time check is only 10 ms. Making a correction in this case would only result in extra processing overhead and clock slewing without much affecting your overall accuracy. So, in general, if you are using variable targeting, you will want to set this value to be the same value or less than your target variance.

    However, if you are using a fixed sync schedule, you will want to be sure the clock is corrected to the maximum accuracy on every synchronization. In that case, this value should be set to 1 millisecond. This also enables Domain Time's high-precision sub-millisecond alignment function, so that any variances detected that are less than 1 millisecond will have the clock aligned to match, giving you an added order of magnitude of possible accuracy.


 Maximum Correction 

No maximum correction
 Variances larger than
will not cause a correction (unless overridden)

This setting controls the maximum variance that should be corrected during a time check.

    This setting provides a vital sanity check to prevent wild time changes in the event your time source(s) provide a rogue time value (such as sometimes occurs when bounds limits are exceeded or error conditions occur in time clocks or the network).

    For example, assume you have restricted this value to not allow corrections for variances larger than 2 hours. If a time source suddenly goes crazy and provides a time/date from 1980, the rogue time correction will be rejected.

    The default setting for this value is fairly generous, so you may want to restrict this more in your environment. Do be careful to not restrict this value too tightly. If you have clocks on the network that drift significantly under normal circumstances without restarting (such some laptops do when resuming from sleep modes), setting this value too low may prevent them from ever correcting the clock until they are rebooted.

    This setting also interacts directly with the clock slewing settings (which control whether corrections are made by slewing or stepping). See the Clock Control page for details.


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