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IMPORTANT: The Windows Time Agent has been discontinued. It may or may not work as expected on versions of Windows newer then Win7/2008. In particular, Microsoft has changed some (but not all) of the Windows Time parameters, and has added additional types of synchronization. This applet is unaware of the newer features. Use at your own risk.

Domain Time II Agent
Version 4.2

Domain Time II Windows Time Agent is a special Control Panel applet that allows you to easily configure the Microsoft Windows Time Service instead of using the w32tm command-line utility or manually changing registry settings. Windows Time Agent solves several of the major drawbacks of using Windows Time, such as determining how the service is actually configured, and whether or not it is really working.

Note: This software is designed for Windows XP and later. Although it will run on Windows 2000, many of its functions and tab pages will be unavailable.

Windows Time Agent does not synchronize the time; it configures and monitors the Windows Time Service.

    Windows Time Agent provides visual indicators of the clock status so you can tell at a glance whether the machine is is synchronized, what time sources are in use, and how accurate the clock is. The Windows Time Agent also shows clock drift data in scalable graphical displays so you can see how your clock is performing over time.

    The Windows Time Agent works splendidly as a stand-alone utility. However, when combined with Domain Time II Audit Server it becomes even more powerful. Audit Server can collect the clock drift data from Windows Time Agents to add to its audit trail, plus it can raise alerts if any machine's clock is not synchronized. Now you can know exactly how Windows Time is performing across your entire network.

    Installation Instructions
    System Requirements


The utility is included in the Domain Time II Server, Client, and Manager distribution files.

Important Note: The Windows Time Agent is installed by default with version 4.1 Domain Time II Server and Clients. As of version 5.1, Agent is not installed when Domain Time II Server or Client is installed.

Upgrading an existing v4.1 machine to v5.1 or later will not remove an installed Windows Time Agent, but will upgrade it to the latest version*. A previously-installed Agent may be disabled on the Advanced property page of the Domain Time Server or Client applet (v5.1 or later).

* The version and build date of Windows Time Agent is independent of the main Domain Time II suite, so the displayed version may vary from other Domain Time II components.


  • To install the Domain Time II Windows Time Agent from Domain Time II distribution files:

    1. Copy the w32tmdt.cpl program directly into your %system%/System32 folder. The 32-bit version is located in the /i386 folder; the 64-bit version is in the /AMD64 folder of the distribution files.

    2. Start the Domain Time II Windows Time Agent applet from the icon in the Windows Control Panel.

      Note: On systems with User Account Control (UAC) enabled, you must Shift+Right Click and choose Run As... from the context menu to launch the Control Panel applet. On Windows Server Core, type in w32tmdt.cpl on the command line.

Do not just delete the w32tmdt.cpl file from the %system%/System32 folder - the program should always be uninstalled.

  • Use the Programs and Features (Add/Remove Programs on earlier versions of Windows) utility from the Control Panel to remove the program.

    Note: If Windows Time Agent was installed before Server or Client was installed, removing Server or Client will not remove it. You must remove Windows Time Agent after removing Server or Client.


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Domain Time II Software distributed by Microsemi, Inc.
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