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 Documentation\Configuration\Audit Server\Audit List
    This tab page is used to select which machines on your network should be audited. Audit Server can scan your network to discover machines or you can add machines manually. You can then toggle whether or not a listed machine should be audited.

    Domain Time II Audit Server - Audit List Tab

    Known Machines

    The Known Machines list shows which machines from the network are available and selected to be audited.

      Machines are added to the list of Known Machines either by:

      1. Scanning the network using broadcast to discover Domain Time II components.
        Audit Server will automatically scan for machines every time an audit is performed if you have the Add machines discovered by broadcast option enabled on the Discovery tab page. To scan for machines by broadcast immediately, press the Scan Now button.

      2. Auto-detecting machines that sync their time with the Domain Time II Server running on the Audit Server's machine.
        To auto-detect machines that sync with the local machine, enable the Add machines discovered by this computer's Domain time II Server option on the Discovery tab page.

      3. Entering them manually.
        To enter a machine to the list manually, enter its NetBIOS or DNS name, or its IP address into the Add field and press the Add button.

      4. Importing them from a list contained in file. (available only in version 4.1.b.20070201 or later)
        To add a list of machines using a text file, do the following:

        1. Create the list of machines in a text file. The DNS name, NetBIOS name, or IP address of each machine must be listed, one machine per line.

        2. Enter the following in the Add machine field on the Audit List tab:


          where list_filename is the full path and filename of the list file, i.e.

            @C:\program files\domain time ii\ntpserverlist.txt

      Note: By default, Audit Server only scans the local network subnet for machines. See the Discovery page for more info on how Audit Server discovers machines and how to expand the search to additional subnets.

      Machines that are automatically discovered will appear in the Known Machines list and be marked to be audited.

      Any machines not automatically discovered can also be included in the audit list by entering them manually. Note that NTP Servers cannot report the kind of highly-detailed status information available from Domain Time II components, so their audit records will only include limited data about their current time.

      The Add NTP Server dialog

      Machines in the Known Machine list can be sorted by clicking on the corresponding column label button. For example to sort by computer name, click the Name button above the name list.

      You can select whether a listed machine is audited or not by double-clicking on its entry in the list. The indicator in the Audit this machine? column will change to reflect the selected mode. You can also delete a machine from the list by highlighting its entry and pressing the DEL key.

    If the Automatically drop non-responding machines after days checkbox is checked, Audit Server will remove a machine from the audit list if it hasn't responded to any audit requests in the number of days specified. This is useful for automatically pruning the audit list of machines that have been removed from service.


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Domain Time II Software distributed by Microsemi, Inc.
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