The Browse tab page displays all of the machines that Manager can see on your network, and the type of Domain Time software that it discovers.
The first section of this documentation page describes the basic functions of the Browse tab, the second part of the page describes
how to use Domain Time II Manager to control and install software on remote machines.

Domain Time II Manager - Browse tab
Many of the features of Domain Time II Manager have Tooltips associated with them to explain what they are and how to use them. Let your mouse hover over various items
on Manager's lists, checkboxes, control buttons, and icons to learn more about each of them. You can also press F1 at any time in the application to pull up the full online documentation for
any tab page you're viewing.
Network Auto-Discovery
When you first start Domain Time II Manager, the program will attempt to discover all of the machines
on your network and their Domain Time configuration. If you've not yet installed any Domain Time components,
the Domain Time columns of the display will be empty. Machines where the status cannot be determined will be greyed-out.
Manager uses several different methods to automatically discover machines, however, the specific configuration of your network and your Windows Networking domains (DNS, WINS, etc.)
will control how much of the network is actually visible. Manager primarily uses the Windows Browse list, so a good rule of thumb is that if a machine is visible on the local subnet
using standard Microsoft networking tools such as Network Neighborhood (My Network Places) or NET VIEW from the management workstation, they should be visible in
the Browse list here.
Viewing Other Subnets and Timeouts
Machines responding to UDP port 9909 broadcasts or LANMan browse requests in a timely fashion will be visible to Domain Time II Manager.
By default you can only see machines on your own local network. However, you can add additional IP subnets to your scans. You do this by adding
broadcast subnet masks for the additional subnets you want to view to your Domain Time II Manager Broadcast Addresses settings
(see the Advanced Settings tab page).
Also, the speed of your network connections can affect whether a machine is visible. Domain Time II Manager has several timeout options that
allow you to increase the time it waits before deciding a machine is unreachable to deal with slow WAN or dial-up links. This is controlled
by the Connection Timeouts drop-down list setting on the Advanced Settings tab page. If the Browse list takes
a long time to display, try changing the Timeout setting to Fast Lan.
Both of these are overall network settings affecting all Domain Time II Manager functions. A complete description of these options is found on the Advanced Settings
documentation page.
Browse List Control
Controls which Domains are listed on the Browse page, and also lets you clear or refresh the Browse list cache.
You can select which Windows Networking domain list to display using this drop-down selection box.
The domains listed will be those that are visible from the machine running Manager. In order to control machines on any domain, your logged-in account will need to have
administrator rights on the domain (via standard domain trusts or Active Directory policies if necessary). Once again, the machines listed are only those visible
to your machine - specific networking infrastructure (firewalls, routers, VLANS, etc.) and/or non-standard Windows Networking configurations such as disabled browse lists,
can prevent machines from being displayed.
Clear Cache and Refresh
Clear the Browse List and completely re-scan the network, or update the existing Browse list.
Domain Time II Manager maintains a local cache of all machines it finds to speed up the Browse display upon subsequent viewings. Rather than performing
the time-intensive steps of first discovering the existence of each machine and then scanning it for its Domain Time status, if a machine is already in the
Browse list its status can be very quickly determined and displayed using the cache. Domain Time II Manager also automatically adds to the cache as
it discovers more information about machines (such as when performing Variance Reports or License Scans).
Click the Refresh button to have Manager re-check the network to update its cache with updated Domain Time status and also include any new machines that may have
been added to the network since the last scan.
Clicking the Clear Cache button will completely remove all previously cached information, and trigger Manager to start a network scan from scratch.
Select a machine to control
Connect to an existing machine from the Browse list (or add an unlisted machine) to view its statistics and/or remotely control, install, update, or remove Domain Time.
To connect to a machine, double-click on its name in the displayed list (you can also do this on machines listed on the other tab pages in Domain Time II Manager).
You may also use the Browse button to select a machine from the My Network Places (Network Neighborhood) lists, or you may simply enter its name or IP address in the Name:
box and click the Connect button to cause Manager to attempt to connect to it. This is handy if you know that a particular machine exists, but it is not visible in any of the Browse lists.
Using Manager to Control Remote Machines
Making the First Connection/The Connection Troubleshooter
To make a remote connection, double-click a machine name from the list of displayed machines or use the Select a machine to control section to specify one and click Connect.
After a few seconds, the "Connected to" screen will appear. If Domain Time is not yet installed on the remote machine, the "Connected to" screen will indicate No DT2 components found
in the upper section of the window. You may also see a connection error in the status window - this is normal, since there isn't any service running on the remote machine to talk to yet).
Note in particular the Machine Control and Status toolbar. This is where you'll select which actions you want to perform on your remote machine. Use your mouse to hover over each of the icons to
see a description of each icon's function.
Requirements for Remote Control/Installation:
These are the minimum requirements necessary to remotely control or install/upgrade/remove software on another machine using Domain Time II Manager. For a more complete description of the requirements to
connect to a machine remotely, please see our knowledgebase article KB2001.728.
- Only machines running version 2.2 or higher of Domain Time II Server, Thin/Ultra Thin/Full Client, Audit Server or Windows Time Applet (v4.1 or later) can be
remotely installed or controlled from Domain Time II Manager.
- The remote machine must be reachable by ICMP PING from your Management Workstation.
- All firewalls, routers, and switches must permit IP communication over UDP Port 9909 between the management machine and any remote machines.
- The user account you are logged in with on the Management machine must have sufficient account privileges to read/write/change files though the admin shares (ADMIN$, C$, etc.) on the remote
machine using Microsoft Networking (on Win9x machines, File & Print Services must be manually enabled for this).
- Your user account must have sufficient account privileges to read/write/change the registry on the remote machine using the Remote Registry service. (on Win9x machines, the Remote Registry service must be
installed manually. See Microsoft Knowledgebase article Q141460 for instructions).
- Have the full installation files for each type of product you want to install on your management workstation - i.e. Server, Full Client and/or Thin Client (Setup copies these to your workstation
for you automatically when you install the management tools).
The Domain Time II Management Tools software for Windows comes in two distinct versions: one made specifically for 32-bit (i386) processors and the other for
64-bit (AMD64/EM64T) processors.
Domain Time II Manager can remotely control and monitor machines already running either the 32-bit or 64-bit versions of Domain Time II Server, Client or Audit Server; HOWEVER,
it can only install, upgrade or remove components from machines running on the same platform as the Domain Time II Manager machine. In other words, if the 64-bit
version of Domain Time II Manager is installed, it can only install software to other 64-bit machines. Conversely, if the 32-bit version of Domain Time II Manager is
installed, it can only install to other 32-bit machines.
The above restriction also applies to the Domain Time II Update Service.
Running the Connection Troubleshooter
It's a very good idea to run the Troubleshooter the first time you use Manager to make sure you've met all the requirements for remote management.
You can also run the Troubleshooter if you ever have trouble controlling or installing to a remote machine from Manager (i.e., you connect but receive a "Control Access Denied" or other error message).
The Connection Troubleshooter will test the various methods necessary to successfully connect to the remote system. If your local and remote systems meet all of the requirements, you'll see a successful test result:

Note: If no Domain Time II components are installed yet, the test will generate a warning for the DT2 connection tests (DT2 port, Role/Version, Platform). You can safely ignore those errors until you've
installed Domain Time on the machine. If the Troubleshooter still shows a warning after you've installed Domain Time II Server, Client, or Windows Time Agent, then there is a network problem preventing
Manager from exchanging Domain Time II control messages with the remote machine (probably because a firewall or router is blocking UDP port 9909).
If there are problems with the connection, the troubleshooter will halt at the first test that failed (except for the final DT2 connection tests, which will only generate a warning). You should take steps to correct the error
indicated, then run the Troubleshooter again. Keep re-running the Troubleshooter after fixing any additional problems until your test completes with no errors.
Here are some samples of common errors:
- Test 1: A failed test indicating the remote machine is probably turned off, not connected to the network, network communication is being entirely blocked by a firewall/router, etc.
Solution: Troubleshoot the network connection.
- Test 2: This test failed because the logged-in user account on the machine running Manager did not have sufficient rights to connect to the remote machine.
Solution: Log in to the Manager machine using a user account with Admin privileges to the remote machine.
- Test 3: This test generated a warning because Manager was unable to exchange Domain Time II control messages with the remote machine using the Domain Time II protocol.
This is normal if Domain Time is not yet installed on the remote machine. However, if the error occurs after you've installed Domain Time II Server, Client, or Windows Time Agent, then there is a network problem
that should be resolved.
Manager may still be able to remotely install software and perform some control functions on the remote machine in this error condition, however, other functions (such as retreiving statistics)
that depend on the DT2 protocol will fail.
Solution: Troubleshoot the network connection for obstructions to port 9909 UDP traffic. (in this example, the Windows Firewall on the remote machine was blocking port 9909 UDP, which was resolved by
configuring the firewall to make an exception for port 9909 UDP).
Remote Installation/Upgrades/Removals
Domain Time II Manager allows you to remotely install and configure Domain Time II Server, Windows Clients, and Windows Time Agent on
any Windows system on your network. Non-Windows clients cannot be remotely installed. Remember that you
can only install, upgrade, or remove on machines running the same processor platform (32 or 64-bit) as your Domain Time II Manager machine.
Set the Installation Defaults
Remote Installation uses the domtime.ini setup defaults template file on the Manager machine to set
the various configuration options on the product being installed. You can preset these options (such
as specifying time server addresses, log settings, system tray options, etc.) for your installations by editing this file. The file is heavily
commented, with all entries fully described, so it is very easy to understand the settings
Click the Edit INI Defaults button on Manager's Advanced Settings page to
edit this file. Be sure to review this file carefully to be sure it has correct entries before proceeding
with your installation or upgrade.
Installing, Upgrading or Removing Domain Time II on a Single Machine
Connect to your desired remote machine as described in the Making the First Connection section above. When connected, you'll see the "Connected To" screen.
Use the Machine Control and Status toolbar to perform installation, upgrades or removals.
If this is a fresh install, click Install icon. You'll be presented with a selection screen where you can pick which Domain Time II component to install. Note that the
Windows Time Agent is automatically installed along with Server and Clients. You should only select the
Windows Time Agent if that's the sole component you want to install.

The installation routine starts the remote service by default. If you want to stop the service, click the
Stop Service icon.
To restart it, click the Start Service icon.
If there already is a Domain Time product installed on the remote machine and it is older than the version of Domain Time II Manager you're using, you will have the option of upgrading it.
Click the Upgrade icon to proceed.
If you want to change the type of software on the machine, such as replacing the Thin Client with
Full Client or Server, you will need to remove the existing service first. Click the Remove Service
icon to do this. Once the service is removed, you can then install the desired software as above.
To remove the installed Domain Time component, simply click the Remove icon.
Note: The Windows Time Agent is usually removed when you remove
Server or Client. However, if the Agent was installed on the remote machine before Client or Server was installed it will remain installed after Client or Server is
removed. If so, you'll notice the Remove icon remains active after the Client or Server removal. Clicking the Remove icon again will then remove the Windows Time Agent.
Installing, Upgrading or Removing Domain Time II on Multiple Machines
Domain Time II Manager also has the ability to automatically install and upgrade Domain Time network-wide.
See the Batch Operations and Update Server pages for detailed instructions.
Controlling Domain Time on Remote Systems
If Domain Time II is already installed on the remote machine when you click on its name in the Browse list (or use the Select machine to control section), the Connection Details screen
will show information about its status and allow you to remotely control the installed Domain Time components on that machine.