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 Documentation\Configuration\Clients\Windows\Thin Client\Registry Settings
    The information on this page refers to the Domain Time II Thin Client only. See the Full Client Registry Settings or the Ultra Thin Client Registry Settings pages for information on the registry entries for those products.

    The Domain Time II Thin Client does not have a control panel applet. Most settings can be changed remotely using Domain Time II Manager, but some can only be set by changing the registry. This section explains all of the registry entries used by Domain Time II Thin Client.

    Modifying Registry entries requires basic familiarity with the Windows Registry and its operations. Incorrect changes to the Registry can result in unpredictable, perhaps non-repairable, damage, up to and including a non-bootable system! Have a qualified technician make the changes for you if you are not comfortable with the process. We cannot be responsible for registry problems.


    Domain Time II Thin Client registry settings are located in:

                Domain Time Client

    Value Name:
    Value Type:
    Default Data:
    Allow Remote Timezone Change
    True or False
    Enables Domain Time II Manager to change the time zone on this machine.
    Value Name:
    Value Type:
    Default Data:
    Broadcast Addresses

    This value may be set on each individual machine by editing the registry, or remotely by using Domain Time II Manager. Since there should always be a Server on the same subnet as a client, the default broadcast subnet mask of is usually sufficient. Occasionally, however, you may have a client on a different subnet from its server. If you have multiple subnets that must receive broadcasts from the client, add them to this key. When Domain Time Client needs to send a broadcast message, it will send it to each of the subnets listed in this key in sequence. See the Working Across Subnets document for more information. Caution: You should always have a broadcast address entered (usually A blank key will prevent the client from sending broadcasts and synchronizing time correctly. Changes take effect immediately, and may be made by editing the registry or remotely from Domain Time II Manager.
    Value Name:
    Value Type:
    Default Data:
    Client Settings
    This binary value is set and maintained by the system. Do not edit.
    Value Name:
    Value Type:
    Default Data:
    Clock Adjustment (100-ns intervals)
    Varies based on machine hardware and operating system
    This value is used by the system to maintain slewing and training. Do not edit.
    Value Name:
    Value Type:
    Default Data:
    Clock Adjustment Default
    Varies based on machine hardware and operating system
    This value is used by the system to maintain slewing and training. Do not edit.
    Value Name:
    Value Type:
    Default Data:
    Clock Adjustment Enabled
    True or False
    Corresponds to the Use Slewing to Improve Long-term Accuracy setting on the control panel applet. Ignored on Win95/98/ME machines.

    Value Name:
    Value Type:
    Default Data:
    Clock Change Monitor
    True or False
    If enabled, Domain Time monitors changes to the system clock made by other programs (including the foreground user changing the time or date with the control panel applet or the command-line TIME and DATE commands). When the Clock Change Monitor is enabled on a client and the clock changes unexpectedly, the client will immediately resynchronize with its server. You may turn the Clock Change Monitor off if your setup requires having machines with different times (usually only in labs or testing environments). If Clock Change Monitor is disabled and you change a machine's time, it will stay changed until the next cascade signal or regular sync interval. Changes take effect immediately, and may be made by editing the registry or remotely from Domain Time II Manager.
    Value Name:
    Value Type:
    Default Data:
    Current Version
    This value is set by the system for informational purposes. Changing it has no effect.
    Value Name:
    Value Type:
    Default Data:
    This value is used by the system. Do not edit.
    Value Name:
    Value Type:
    Default Data:
    Honor Pulse
    True or False
    If enabled (True), the client will respond to a Domain Time II Heartbeat Pulse by resynchronizing with its time server. If disabled (False), the client will ignore Heartbeat Pulses.
    Value Name:
    Value Type:
    Default Data:
    Machine Statistics
    This binary value contains the statistics, as of the last update, that can be viewed from DTCheck, the Domain Time II Manager, or the system tray icon. Do not edit.
    Value Name:
    Value Type:
    Default Data:
    Max Slew Correction (milliseconds)
    30000 (decimal)
    1 to 36000000 (decimal)
    This value specifies the upper limit, in milliseconds, of variance that Domain Time will attempt to correct by slewing instead of setting the clock backwards.

    The older registry entry controlling this function, Max Slew Correction (seconds), has been deprecated.

    For backwards compatibility, the existing DOMTIME.INI entry corresponding to this function is "MaxBackwardSlew=x seconds" which is automatically converted to milliseconds when setting this registry value. If you need to preset this value in exact milliseconds in your DOMTIME.INI file, delete the existing "MaxBackwardSlew=" line and substitute the new line "DWORD:Max Slew Correction (milliseconds)=x" where x is the desired setting in milliseconds.

    Value Name:
    Value Type:
    Default Data:
    Never Step Clock
    True or False
    When enabled, causes Domain Time to make clock corrections only by slewing. This prevents the clock from being stepped to make corrections such as those normally done during startup or from Clock Change Monitor, manual sync triggers, etc.

    The behavior of this setting is modified by the Override Max Disparity registry setting (see below).

    Caution: Use of this option may prevent Domain Time from successfully being able to synchronize with a time source if the time correction is too large to accomplish using slewing. See the Max Slew Correction (milliseconds) registry setting for more info.

    Value Name:
    Value Type:
    Default Data:
    Override Max Disparity
    Not present (same as zero)
    0, 1, 2, 3, or 4
    Domain Time II Thin Clients have a fixed limit on how large a clock variance it will attempt to correct (referred to as Max Disparity). The Max Disparity limit on Thin Client is 7200 seconds. Max Disarity is not configurable on Thin Client. If you need to adjust the Max Disparity limit, you should use Domain Time II Full Client instead.

    This registry entry controls how Domain Time decides when to override the Max Disparity correction limit.

    • 0 or not present (Auto)
      Domain Time will override the disparity settings during startup, on Clock Change Monitor event detection, receiving sync triggers/cascades from management components, or from Control Panel applet (CPL) signals. Does NOT ever override the Never Step Clock setting.

    • 1 (Always)
      Domain Time will always override the disparity settings. This is the same as not having a maximum disparity setting at all. Always honors Never Step Clock setting.

    • 2 (Never)
      Domain Time will never override the disparity settings. Always honors Never Step Clock. This option may prevent your machine from syncing until you manually set the time to within the set Max Disparity range.

    • 3 (Startup only)
      Domain Time will override the disparity settings and Never Step Clock only until the first time after startup that it has set its own time correctly. Thereafter, it behaves as if you had set the option to 2.

    • 4 (Limit CCM)
      Clock Change Monitor signals do not override the disparity or Never Step Clock settings. Startup, management, or CPL signals will override the disparity and Never Step Clock settings.

    Changes to the Override Max Disparity value take effect immediately. You do not have to stop and restart the service or reboot the machine.

    Value Name:
    Value Type:
    Default Data:
    Respond to DTCheck
    True or False
    Corresponds to the Respond to DTCheck option on the control panel applet or Domain Time II Manager. If enabled (True), the client will respond when Domain Time II Manager, Domain Time II Monitor Service, or the DTCheck utility attempts to survey machines or calculate network-wide variances. If disabled (False), the client will ignore DTCheck requests.
    Value Name:
    Value Type:
    Default Data:
    Send Port DT2
    1 to 65535 (decimal)
    Source port used when sending Domain Time II requests. Zero (the default) means use any available port. Any other value means use the specified port. See KB2001.A04 for more details.
    Value Name:
    Value Type:
    Default Data:
    Send Port NTP
    1 to 65535 (decimal)
    Source port used when sending NTP/SNTP (RFC 1769) requests. Zero (the default) means use any available port. Any other value means use the specified port. See KB2001.A04 for more details.
    Value Name:
    Value Type:
    Default Data:
    Send Port TIME
    1 to 65535 (decimal)
    Source port used when sending TIME/ITP (RFC 868) requests. Zero (the default) means use any available port. Any other value means use the specified port. See KB2001.A04 for more details.
    Value Name:
    Value Type:
    Default Data:
    Service Installed
    True or False
    Used internally. Do not edit.
    Value Name:
    Value Type:
    Default Data:
    Service Running
    True or False
    Used internally. Do not edit.
    Value Name:
    Value Type:
    Default Data:
    Thin Client
    Used internally by the system. Do not edit.
    Value Name:
    Value Type:
    Default Data:
    Use DHCP
    True or False
    Corresponds to the Use DHCP checkbox on the control panel applet. If enabled (True), and automatic settings are also enabled, then the client will query the network for DHCP servers as part of its discovery process. If a DHCP server is found, the client will ask the DHCP server if it knows of any time servers. If disabled (False), the client will not attempt to locate or use a DHCP server. Note: The client does not have to obtain its own IP address from a DHCP server in order to use DHCP to find a time server.
    Value Name:
    Value Type:
    Default Data:
    Override Max Disparity
    Not present (same as zero)
    0, 1, 2, or 3
    If not present or set to zero, Domain Time will decide when to override the maximum disparity setting, as explained above.

    If set to 1, Domain Time will always override the maximum disparity setting. This is the same as not having a maximum disparity setting at all.

    If set to 2, Domain Time will never override the maximum disparity setting. This option may prevent your machine from syncing until you manually set the time to within the maximum disparity. If the machine is a Domain Time Server, it will normally refuse to serve the time until its own time has been set, so selecting a value of 2 may impact your entire network.

    If set to 3, Domain Time will override the maximum disparity setting only until the first time after startup that it has set its own time correctly. Thereafter, it behaves as if you had set the option to 2.

    Changes to the Override Max Disparity value take effect immediately. You do not have to stop and restart the service or reboot the machine.

    Value Name:
    Value Type:
    Default Data:
    Set Processor Affinity
    00-FF (hex)
    If not present or set to zero, Domain Time will not attempt to restrict time-sensitive operations to any particular processor in a multi-processor system. In some systems, the majority of hardware interrupt handling occurs on only one processor (typically processor 0), so it may provide increased accuracy if Domain Time uses only other processors during time-sensitive operations. This value is a hex bitmap representing the processors in the system, with bit 0 representing the first processor, bit 1 representing the second processor, and so forth.
    Value Name:
    Value Type:
    Default Data:
    Set Timer Resolution
    If not present or set to zero, Domain Time will use the system-default best-available timer resolution. If set to any other value, Domain Time will use timeBeginPeriod(x) and timeEndPeriod(x) before and after any time-sensitive calculation. In general, this value should either be zero or 1.
    Value Name:
    Value Type:
    Default Data:
    Windows Time Agent Startup Check [version]
    True or False
    This value is created the first time a new or upgraded version runs. If not present or set to False, Domain Time will check the domtime.ini file for instructions about overriding the handling of the Windows Time Agent Control Panel applet. If set to True Domain Time will use the current settings. You may set this value to False to force a one-time re-read of the domtime.ini at next startup.
    Value Name:
    Value Type:
    Default Data:
    Force Windows Time State
    May be blank, Not Touched, Disabled, NoSync, NTP, NT5DS, or AllSync
    Controls how Domain Time interacts with Windows Time when the Domain Time service starts.

    If set to Disabled, Domain Time will make sure the Windows Time service is disabled and not running.

    If blank or set to Not Touched, Domain Time will not check or change the operation of the Windows Time service.

    If set to any other value, Domain Time will make sure the Windows Time service is enabled and running, and that its sync type is set to the specified value.

    Value Name:
    Value Type:
    Default Data:
    Force Windows Time Agent Disable
    Not present or False
    True or False
    If not present or False, the Windows Time Agent portion of the Windows Time Agent Control Panel applet will use the default or control-panel set options to determine if Agent should be running. If set to True, Domain Time will ensure that the Agent portion of Windows Time Agent Control Panel applet is not running.
    Value Name:
    Value Type:
    Default Data:
    Clock Adjustment Locked Rate
    If zero or not present, overall system slewing will analyze the clock drift and adjust the clock rate to minimize future corrections. If set to any other value between 80% and 120% of the default clock rate, overall system slewing will set the clock rate to the given value and not analyze the clock drift further. Values below the minimum or in excess of the maximum will be ignored. Useful chiefly if the clock rate (also called Phase Adjustment) regularly changes within a small range and you want to select the best rate manually.
    Value Name:
    Value Type:
    Default Data:
    Clock Change Sensitivity
    If not present or set to zero, Domain Time will use a value of 2 on NT-class systems, and a value of 10 on Win9x systems. This value represents the number of seconds the system clock must differ from the expected value in order for Clock Change Monitor to decide an unauthorized change has been made to the system clock.


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Domain Time II Software distributed by Microsemi, Inc.
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