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 Documentation\Configuration\Tools\Manager\Setup Defaults
    Below is a sample of the domtime.ini file that comes with Domain Time II Server and Clients for Windows. It contains default values used at the time of installation. You normally do not need to change anything in this file, but network administrators may find it useful to pre-configure settings for their networks.
    ' This file holds the default values used by both Domain Time Client and
    ' Domain Time Server during installation.  This file must be present in
    ' the setup directory.
    ' This file is provided to make installations easier for network admins,
    ' so they don't have to install the product and then change the settings
    ' over and over for dozens or hundreds of machines.  If you are not a
    ' network administrator looking to change the installation defaults, you
    ' probably don't want to be messing with this file.  Use the Control Panel
    ' applet instead -- that's why it's there.
    ' When specifying a protocol name in a TimeSource section,
    ' use one of the following:
    '    DT1         ' Domain Time I (mailslots)
    '    DT2         ' Domain Time II, port 9909/UDP
    '    DT2-UDP     ' Same as DT2 by itself
    '    DT2-TCP     ' Domain Time II, port 9909/TCP
    '    NTP         ' RFC 1769/2030 NTP, port 123/UDP
    '    TIME-UDP    ' RFC 868 TIME/ITP/RDATE, port 37/UDP
    '    TIME-TCP    ' RFC 868 TIME/ITP/RDATE, port 37/UDP
    '    DAYTIME-UDP ' RFC 867 DayTime, port 13/UDP
    '    DAYTIME-TCP ' RFC 867 DayTime, port 13/TCP
    '    HTTP        ' Domain Time over HTTP (with or without a proxy)
    '    LANMAN      ' Microsoft LAN Manager (mailslots)
    ' HTTPProxyServer field should include user:pass@servername if password required, and end with
    ' /socks if proxy is socks instead of standard HTTP
    ' The next few sections are used by SERVER during the installation of
    ' Domain Time Server.  Further down, near the bottom of the file, are
    ' sections used by CLIENT during the installation of Domain Time Client.
    [Server Settings]
    DisableWindowsTimeAgent=False   ' if true, the Windows Time Agent won't be installed or allowed to run
    ShowSplashScreen=True           ' only affects registered version (eval version always shows splash)
    MaxDisparity=7200               ' don't accept disparities greater than this (seconds) (zero means accept any)
    MinDisparity=1                  ' don't make corrections smaller than this (milliseconds)
    TargetEnabled=False             ' use accuracy-targeting
    TargetAccuracy=25 ms            ' aim for 25 ms match with time source
    SuccessInterval=1800            ' if targetting off, check this often (seconds)
    FailureInterval=300             ' if an error occurs, check again this often (seconds)
    UseExternalSource=True          ' get the time from an external network server
    LogEnabled=True                 ' write interesting things to %systemroot%\system32\domtimes.log
    LogServerMessages=True          ' write server-related messages in the log file
    LogClientAccesses=True          ' write client-related messages in the log file
    LogRollType=Weekly              ' set to Never, Daily, Weekly, or Monthly
    DeleteOldLogs=True              ' if True, old logs will be deleted after a log roll
    Suppress Success Messages=False ' don't log time-set-successfully messages
    Suppress Warning Messages=False ' don't log unable-to-set-time messages
    SuppressWarnings=False          ' synonym for Suppress Warning Messages
    WaitForSync=True                ' don't serve time until server itself is synched
    SlewEnabled=True                ' use clock-slewing if hardware supports it
    SlewBackward=True               ' slow down clock rather than set time backward (req. hardware support)
    SlewForward=True                ' speed up clock rather than set time ahead (req. hardware support)
    LimitLogSize=4096               ' zero means no limit; any other number is KB size of log
    ClockChangeMonitor=True         ' correct if user/program changes the time unexpectedly
    SystemTrayIcon=True             ' True means show system tray icon, False means don't show it
    Animate Clock=True              ' True means show whirling clock hands in system tray during time checks
    AllowRemoteTimeZone=True        ' True means DTManager can set time zone on this machine
    HTTPProxyServer=                ' name of HTTP proxy server to use with HTTP (if any)
    EnableChime=False               ' False=none; True or Auto=use sound card; Speaker=use pc speaker
    MaxBackwardSlew=30 seconds      ' maximum variance to correct by slewing backward (range 1 to 3600)
    AverageServers=True             ' use weighted average of listed servers to set time
    AllowCheckForNewerVersion=True  ' allow check for newer version from system tray icon
    RecordStatusinEventViewer=False ' echo log entries to event viewer
    BroadcastAddresses=             ' separate with commas, as in,
    [Server Security]
    DosProtection=True              ' enable automatic Denial-of-Service (flooding) protection
    DosPoisonThreshhold=50          ' x hits from any one IP address
    DosPoisonCheckInterval=5        ' those x hits must be within y seconds to count as a flood
    DosPoisonForgiveness=600        ' x seconds until poisoned IP address is forgiven for attack (0 means never)
    SecurityListType=None           ' type of permissions list ("none", "deny", or "permit")
    SecurityList=                   ' may have,, etc.
    [Server Protocols]
    DT1=False                       ' server provides time via Domain Time I protocol
    DT2=True                        ' cannot be turned off
    NTP=True                        ' server provides time via RFC 1769 NTP/SNTP
    TIME-UDP=False                  ' server provides time via RFC 868 TIME/ITP/RDATE with UDP
    TIME-TCP=False                  ' server provides time via RFC 868 TIME/ITP/RDATE with TCP 
    DAYTIME-UDP=False               ' server provides time via RFC 867 Daytime with UDP
    DAYTIME-TCT=False               ' server provides time via RFC 867 Daytime with TCP
    LANMAN=True                     ' cannot be turned off
    HTTP=False                      ' server provides time via HTTP on port 80
    HTTPListenPort=80               ' port for HTTP server to listen on if HTTP=True above
    HTTPFindFreePort=True           ' controls whether HTTP server increments port number until it finds a free port
    [Slave Settings]
    ShowSplashScreen=True           ' only affects registered version
    TargetEnabled=True              ' use accuracy-targeting
    TargetAccuracy=25 ms            ' aim for xxx ms match with master (PDC)
    SuccessInterval=300 seconds     ' if targetting off, check this often
    FailureInterval=120 seconds     ' if an error occurs, check again this often
    [Server TimeSource 1]       ' first time source server should use
    Protocol=NTP                    ' primary protocol at this time source
    Fallback=False                  ' fall back to other protocols if primary fails?
    [Server TimeSource 2]       ' secondary
    [Server TimeSource 3]
    [Server TimeSource 4]
    ' The next section is used by the ULTRA THIN CLIENT during installation.
    [Ultra Thin Client Settings]
    DisableWindowsTimeAgent=False   ' if true, the Windows Time Agent won't be installed or allowed to run
    RespondToDTCheck=True           ' True means client responds to dtcheck /v and DT Manager Variance Report
    ShowSplashScreen=True           ' only affects registered version (eval version always shows splash)
    SystemTrayIcon=True             ' True means show system tray icon, False means don't show it
    Animate Clock=True              ' True means show whirling clock hands in system tray during time checks
    AllowRemoteTimeZone=True        ' True means DTManager can set time zone on this machine
    EnableChime=False               ' False=none; True or Auto=use sound card; Speaker=use pc speaker
    AllowCheckForNewerVersion=True  ' allow check for newer version from system tray icon
    SlewEnabled=True                ' use clock-slewing if hardware and OS support it
    AllowedBroadcastProtocols=Auto  ' Choices are DT2, NTP, or Auto (Auto means accept either)
    AllowedBroadcastSources=        ' separate with commas, as in,,etc.
    ' The next section is used by the THIN CLIENT during installation.
    [Thin Client Settings]
    DisableWindowsTimeAgent=False   ' if true, the Windows Time Agent won't be installed or allowed to run
    RespondToDTCheck=True           ' True means client responds to dtcheck /v and DT Manager Variance Report
    HonorPulse=False                ' True means client syncs upon receipt of heartbeat pulse
    UseDHCP=False                   ' True means client will look at DHCP options to discover time servers
    ClockChangeMonitor=True         ' correct if user/program changes the time unexpectedly
    SystemTrayIcon=True             ' True means show system tray icon, False means don't show it
    Animate Clock=True              ' True means show whirling clock hands in system tray during time checks
    AllowRemoteTimeZone=True        ' True means DTManager can set time zone on this machine
    MaxBackwardSlew=30 seconds      ' maximum variance to correct by slewing backward (range 1 to 3600)
    EnableChime=False               ' False=none; True or Auto=use sound card; Speaker=use pc speaker
    AllowCheckForNewerVersion=True  ' allow check for newer version from system tray icon
    RecordStatusinEventViewer=True  ' make log entries to event viewer
    Suppress Success Messages=False ' don't log time-set-successfully messages
    Suppress Warning Messages=False ' don't log unable-to-set-time messages
    SuppressWarnings=False          ' synonym for Suppress Warning Messages
    BroadcastAddresses=             ' separate with commas, as in,
    ' The remaining sections are used by the FULL CLIENT during installation.
    [Client Settings]
    DisableWindowsTimeAgent=False   ' if true, the Windows Time Agent won't be installed or allowed to run
    ShowSplashScreen=True           ' only affects registered version (eval version always shows splash)
    MaxDisparity=7200               ' don't accept disparities greater than this (seconds) (zero means accept any)
    MinDisparity=25 ms              ' don't make corrections smaller than this 
    TargetEnabled=True              ' use accuracy-targeting 
    TargetAccuracy=55 ms            ' aim for 55 ms match with time source
    SuccessInterval=1800 seconds    ' if targeting off, check this often
    FailureInterval=300 seconds     ' if error occurs, check again this often
    LogEnabled=True                 ' write interesting things to %systemroot%\system32\domtimec.log
    LimitLogSize=4096               ' zero means no limit; any other number is KB size of log
    LogRollType=Weekly              ' set to Never, Daily, Weekly, or Monthly
    DeleteOldLogs=True              ' if True, old logs will be deleted after a log roll
    Suppress Success Messages=False ' don't log time-set-successfully messages
    Suppress Warning Messages=False ' don't log unable-to-set-time messages
    SuppressWarnings=False          ' synonym for Suppress Warning Messages
    RasAware=True                   ' True=check-only-when-dial-up-active; False=check-any-time
    AutoConfig=True                 ' Auto discover a server and protocol
    SlewEnabled=True                ' use clock-slewing if hardware and OS support it
    SlewBackward=True               ' slow down clock rather than set time backward (req. hardware support)
    SlewForward=True                ' speed up clock rather than set time ahead (req. hardware support)
    RespondToDTCheck=True           ' True means client responds to dtcheck /v and DT Manager Variance Report
    HonorPulse=False                ' True means client syncs upon receipt of heartbeat pulse
    HonorNTPBroadcast=False         ' True means accept NTP broadcasts from any of the listed NTP servers
    ClockChangeMonitor=True         ' correct if user/program changes the time unexpectedly
    SystemTrayIcon=True             ' True means show system tray icon, False means don't show it
    Animate Clock=True              ' True means show whirling clock hands in system tray during time checks
    AllowRemoteTimeZone=True        ' True means DTManager can set time zone on this machine
    UseDHCP=False                   ' True means client will look at DHCP options to discover time servers
    SearchOnFailure=True            ' True means do broadcast search for server if all manually-configured servers fail
    IgnoreCascade=False             ' True means ignore DT2 server cascade sync broadcasts
    IgnoreAdvisories=False          ' True means ignore DT2 advisory sync broadcasts from slaves
    EnableChime=False               ' False=none; True or Auto=use sound card; Speaker=use pc speaker
    MaxBackwardSlew=30 seconds      ' maximum variance to correct by slewing backward (range 1 to 3600)
    AverageServers=False            ' use weighted average of listed servers to set time
    UseRecommendedTimings=True      ' allow timings recommended by DT2 server to override local settings
    MatchServerTimeZone=False       ' force client to match a DT2 server's time zone (use with care!)
    HTTPProxyServer=                ' name of HTTP proxy server to use with HTTP (if any)
    AllowCheckForNewerVersion=True  ' allow check for newer version from system tray icon
    RecordStatusinEventViewer=False ' echo log entries to event viewer
    BroadcastAddresses=             ' separate with commas, as in,
    [Client Security]
    DosProtection=True              ' enable automatic Denial-of-Service (flooding) protection
    DosPoisonThreshhold=50          ' x hits from any one IP address
    DosPoisonCheckInterval=5        ' those x hits must be within y seconds to count as a flood
    DosPoisonForgiveness=600        ' x seconds until poisoned IP address is forgiven for attack (0 means never)
    SecurityListType=None           ' type of permissions list ("none", "deny", or "permit")
    SecurityList=                   ' may have,, etc.
    [Client TimeSource 1]       ' first time source server should use
    Protocol=NTP                    ' primary protocol to use with this server
    Fallback=False                  ' fall back to other protocols if primary fails?
    [Client TimeSource 2]       ' secondary
    [Client TimeSource 3]
    [Client TimeSource 4]

Domain Time II Software distributed by Microsemi, Inc.
Documentation copyright © 1995-2025 Greyware Automation Products, Inc.
All Rights Reserved
All Trademarks mentioned are the properties of their respective owners.