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Configuration Topic:

  • Installation
    Installing Domain Time II Server
  • Server
    Set the Server Role, time protocols served, etc.
  • Time Sources
    Specify where Server obtains its own time
  • Security Settings
    Control unauthorized access and protect against Denial of Service (DoS) attacks
  • Broadcast Time
    Set whether Server sends regular time broadcasts to the network
  • Log Settings
    Set Logging options and retention settings
  • Advanced Settings
    Advanced clock control and miscellaneous settings
  • Server Timings
    Control how accurate you want the Server's time to be
  • Slave Timings
    Control how accurate you want Slaves time to be
  • Client Timings
    Control how accurate you want Clients time to be
  • Slave Lists
    Manage which machines and foreign domains are considered slaves of this server
  • Registry Settings
    Listing of the Domain Time II Server registry settings
Domain Time II Server
Version 4.1

Domain Time II Server is a system service that can be configured to obtain time from multiple time sources (such as Internet Time Servers and GPS clocks) and then distribute that time reliably and securely to other machines.

Server accurately synchronizes many different types of machines, including computers, routers, voice-over-IP nodes, control systems, etc. by providing whatever time protocol required. When used with other Domain Time II components (Servers, Clients, Manager, & Audit Server), it gains even more capabilities and becomes part of a truly-integrated time system.


Launching the Program

Once installed, Domain Time II Server can be configured directly using its Control Panel Applet. The applet can be configured whether the Domain Time II Server service is running or not.

Note: On Vista with UAC enabled, you must Shift+Right Click and choose Run As... from the context menu to launch the Control Panel applet. On Windows Server Core, type in domtimes.cpl on the command line

Starting Server using Control Panel

Starting Server using the System Tray icon Server can also be configured remotely using Domain Time II Manager (included with the Domain Time II Management Tools package).

You may also launch the Domain Time II Server applet (and many other installed Domain Time II components) by right-clicking on the Domain Time icon in the System Tray to bring up the context menu. (Not available on Windows Server Core).

Domain Time II Software distributed by Microsemi, Inc.
Documentation copyright © 1995-2025 Greyware Automation Products, Inc.
All Rights Reserved
All Trademarks mentioned are the properties of their respective owners.