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Version Histories:  [4.1]  [3.2]  [3.1[2.5]  [2.4]  [2.3]  [2.2]  [2.1]  [1.x]

    Version 2.5 Revision History

    • 2.5.b.20030513 - Optional upgrade.
      Changed dtcheck's "Set Slew:Limit" scale to milliseconds instead of seconds. Changed thin client to remember slew limits between boots. No other changes.

    • 2.5.b.20030509 - Optional upgrade.
      Added OEM-only customizations.

    • 2.5.b.20030508 - Recommended upgrade.
      Added full event viewer logging to thin client, full client, and server. You may now choose to record events in the event viewer, the log file, both, or neither (event viewer not available on Win9x machines). Corrected minor internal bug in full client that prevented manager from retrieving statistics from full client running on the same machine as manager. Added DoS protection to thin client. Added splash screen to eval version of thin client (not the registered version). Made splash screens fade in and out on XP and above. Created unique event viewer message numbers for (a) successful time set event, (b) unsuccessful time set event, (c) startup and debug messages, and (d) time protocol errors. All other events continue to use generic message numbers.

    • 2.5.b.20030303 - Optional upgrade; no change to functionality.
      Updated internal graphics to reflect the new look for Domain Time II, and added XP theme support for all modules. Corrected misspellings in internal error messages, and realigned some dialog box items.

    • 2.5.b.20030212 - Optional upgrade.
      Added TCP version of Domain Time II protocol to Server, Full Client, and DTSet (control and discovery information is only handled by UDP at this time, but the time information may be obtained via either UDP or TCP). Added check-for-upgrade option to the system tray icon (may be disabled in the registry, and the default setting may be changed in domtime.ini prior to installation). Updated splash screens. Fixed a number of minor bugs. Added OEM-only features. Added ability to Full Client to set its timezone to match the server (default is off). Minor internal changes.

    • 2.5.b.20020710 - Recommended upgrade if you have version 20020606 installed.
      A typo in the 2.5.b.20020606 release could cause, in some circumstances, time retrieved via a proxy server to be rejected even though it is correct. No other changes. Upgrade only if you use 20020606 and experience this problem.

    • 2.5.b.20020606 - Optional upgrade.
      Enhanced context menu (right-click) items in Domain Time Manager, rephrased wording in several Manager prompts, eliminated false warning message in Domain Time Server log when the LanmanServer service really was installed, (the warning sometimes appeared when it shouldn't, but did not affect operation), and fixed an obscure bug that could prevent Full and Thin Clients from acknowledging a cascade trigger when the master server's time is rapidly changed by hand for testing purposes.

    • 2.5.b.20020521 - Optional upgrade.
      Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

      1. Fixed bug in Manager that could cause duplicate entries on the Network Scan tab if the advanced option ICMP Retries was set higher than 1.

      2. Removed internal file compression in distribution files for Windows 2003 compatibility.

      3. Removed LanmanServer dependency for Domain Time Server. Server will now install and run even if the LanmanServer service (called Server Service in NT3 and NT4, called File and Print Sharing in XP/2K/2003) is not present or not started. Domain Time Server will write a warning message to the log file and event log. Domain hierarchy functions (cascades, discovery of servers and slaves) and remote control functions may not work correctly without the LanmanServer service.

      4. Added registry setting to allow control of when Full Client, Thin Client, and Server override the Max Disparity settings. See Knowledgebase article KB2002.522 for details.

    • 2.5.b.20020515 - Optional upgrade.
      Fixed bug in domtime.ini (installation defaults) parser that could cause comments to be appended to network addresses in the broadcast addresses REG_MULTI_SZ value. This bug did not affect program operation (invalid entries are ignored), but the comments could be visible when the broadcast addresses were viewed or edited using Domain Time II Manager and possibly confuse administrators who were expecting to see only network addresses.

    • 2.5.b.20020504 - Optional upgrade.
      OEM changes and graphics alignment changes to accommodate machines using a non-standard screen DPI setting. Some buttons resized and text centered in control panel applets. No changes in functionality.

    • 2.5.b.20020422 Recommended upgrade for anyone using FreeBSD, Linux, or Solaris.
      (UNIX/Linux versions only) Updated copyright notices, fixed minor display bug (typo in log output), and added registration code.

    • 2.5.b.20020401 - Recommended upgrade.
      Fixed problem with Domain Time II Client or Server icons not showing up in control panel; fixed problem with applying domtime.ini files during remote install of Thin Client.

    • 2.5.b.20020125 - Internal OEM changes only. Optional upgrade.

    • 2.5.b.20020115 - Optional upgrade.
      Fixed bug in Full Client and Server control panel applets that could prevent success interval changes (using slider control) from saving if that was the only change made. Also updated copyright notices for 2002. No other changes.

    • 2.5.b.20011120 - Optional upgrade.
      Fixed bug in installation sequence that prevented the Windows Time service from being restarted correctly. Domain Time changes the Windows Time mode to NoSync during installation and sets it back upon removal. In order for the change to take effect, however, Domain Time must stop and restart the Windows Time service. Certain recent versions of Domain Time failed to restart the Windows Time service after stopping it. The service was not otherwise affected, and would start normally (in NoSync mode) the next time the computer was rebooted. However, Windows 2000 Cluster Server requires the Windows Time service to be running (regardless of the mode), and is seldom rebooted. This release corrects the problem that prevented the restart of the Windows Time service.

    • 2.5.b.20010924 - Evaluation (trial) version changes only:
      Both Client and Server now stop working after the evaluation period has expired. We regret this necessity. Unfortunately, the honor system no longer works well enough for us to continue distributing versions that don't expire.

    • 2.5.b.20010918 - Optional upgrade.
      Enhanced log messages for Domain Time over HTTP server: The log now differentiates between valid time requests and hacker/worm connections. In addition, the Domain Time HTTP server now terminates connections from hackers or worms without returning any data at all. Domain Time has always been secure from all known hacker/work attacks, but now the logs lets you see if a "script kiddie" or worm is trying to connect to your server.

    • 2.5.b.20010913 - Recommended upgrade for those using the Thin Client on NT/2000/XP.
      Fixed packaging error that could cause dtthin.exe to extract with a corrupted resource section, leading, in some cases, to problems reading messages from the Thin Client in the NT/2000/XP event viewer. No other changes.

    • 2.5.b.20010903 - Optional upgrade.
      Added duplicate serial number detection and reset function to Batch Operations tab in Manager. No other changes.

    • 2.5.b.20010818 - Optional upgrade.
      Corrected text in startup and install confirmation messages. No functional changes.

    • 2.5.b.20010817 - Optional upgrade.
      Several changes to Manager: Added OEM features; fixed bug that could cause a GPF when saving the license report to a text file; moved the Remove All function to the Batch page; added an Configuration Update function to the Batch page; added right-click support to the Browse page; added intelligent F1 help to the Details page; added broadcast addresses support to the domtime.ini file. Clients and Server updated to be able to read the broadcastaddresses field in domtime.ini, but no other changes. No changes to other components.

    • 2.5.b.20010809 - Optional upgrade.
      Added OEM features. No changes to standard distributions except file versions numbers and dates.

    • 2.5.b.20010806 - Optional upgrade.
      Solved problem with install or upgrade on Win95 (this problem did not affect Win98/ME/NT4/2000/XP) that could lead to "Setup did not complete successfully" message when installing locally, or general failure when installing remotely using Manager. Upgrade needed only if you are using version 2.5.b.20010729 or later and encounter problems with Win95.

    • 2.5.b.20010804 - Optional upgrade.
      Fixed bug in Server that prevented synchronization on a fixed schedule (i.e., when targeting is disabled). Fixed bug in distribution compression technique that could lead to Dr. Watson errors when using Event Viewer to read Domain Time service records. Upgrade needed only if you are encountering either of these particular problems.

    • 2.5.b.20010729 - Recommended upgrade.
      Fixed two bugs in Full Client's control panel applet: (a) the log file did not always display properly on Win9x machines if over 128KB in size; and (b) the proxy server information was not always retained on Win9x machines. Significantly reduced running memory footprint for System Tray Icon, Server, and Full Client during idle time by including "garbage" cleanup after every sync or query. Added UPX compression to distribution files, reducing size by approximately 50%. Added code to allow Server, Thin Client, and Full Client to start the System Tray Icon in the security context of the logged-on user after upgrade or service start/stop on Windows (when possible).

    • 2.5.b.20010726 - Optional upgrade.
      Updated license.txt wording, added import list to Manager (write to techsupport if you need this feature), no other changes.

    • 2.5.b.20010723 - Optional upgrade.
      Fixed minor internal bugs, added support in domtime.ini file for log retention and log rolling settings.

    • 2.5.b.20010712 - Optional upgrade.
      Added font support for proper display of tabbed dialog boxes on machines running Japanese Windows. Upgrade needed only if you are running a non-English version of Windows and are having trouble with the display.

    • 2.5.b.20010704 - Recommended upgrade.
      Version 2.5 released.

      Version 2.5 is a significant upgrade to all Domain Time II components, introducing several important new features and incorporating a major new look. Among the hundreds of changes and enhancements are:

      • All Control Panel applets completely rewritten, using tabbed dialogs, a common look, common wording, more logical grouping of options, tooltip help, F1 links to online help, and addition of new options.

      • Setup completely rewritten to offer both wizard and expert modes, guided upgrade options, easy switching between clients, automatic upgrading of management tools, tooltip help, and F1 links to online help.

      • Domain Time II Manager completely rewritten. Significantly enhanced speed and flexibility, including integration with other management tools, internal caching, new features, new utilities, and a brand-new look using tabbed dialogs, a more logical grouping of functions, tooltip help, and F1 links to online help.

        • Integrated DTTest (formerly distributed only upon request)
        • Added install/remove/configure of Monitor Service and Update Server to Advanced Settings page.
        • Integrated other tools (DTProbe, LMCheck) on the Advanced Settings page.
        • Added Remove All option for removing all Domain Time products from a network
        • Added control over ICMP and UDP retries
        • Added additional timeout options
        • Added control of chimes to Options dialog for remote machines
        • All report data cached, allowing return to a report without refreshing the display

      • Introduced Domain Time II Update Server

      • Added time server surveying and averaging to Server and Client.

      • Improved Windows 2000 W32Time compatibility, including automatic support for Cluster Server requirements.

      • Server and Full Client logging options enhanced to allow either rollover or retention.

      • Added the ability to respond to NTP broadcasts to Full Client

      • Server can now recommend timings to clients, allowing system-wide target accuracy changes

      • Server and Client can restart service dynamically when needed

      • Server and Client now have dialogs for entering proxy information, eliminating need to understand proxy authentication, port, and SOCKS specification syntax

      • Added Activity Monitor to system tray icon

      • Added chimes to Thin Client

      • Added option for chimes to always use PC speaker instead of sound card (if available)

      • Added control of chimes to the system tray icon

      • Product Documentation extensively revised and expanded

Domain Time II Software distributed by Microsemi, Inc.
Documentation copyright © 1995-2025 Greyware Automation Products, Inc.
All Rights Reserved
All Trademarks mentioned are the properties of their respective owners.