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 Documentation\Configuration\Tools\Manager\Advanced Settings\Monitor Service
    Domain Time II Monitor Service
    Version 4.1

    Domain Time II Monitor is a system service that runs in the background to periodically collect variance statistics from your entire network, and also raise alerts if time variance on any machine exceeds the tolerances you specify.

    The Monitor Service is designed to ensure that network administrators are alerted in the event that the system time on any machine being monitored becomes out-of-sync with the primary time source. The Monitor Service also keeps historical records of your variance scans so that you can easily spot changes over time or find errors that would otherwise have gone unnoticed.

    The Monitor Service is intended only for simple monitoring tasks. You'll want to use Domain Time II Audit Server for more accurate results, notifications of non-responding machines, inclusion of NTP servers and Domain Time II Windows Time Agents in the monitoring, and true historical record-keeping.

    Only machines that have Respond to DTCheck enabled can be monitored by the Monitor Service. By default, all Domain Time II Servers have this option enabled. This setting is disabled by default on Clients. If you wish to include a machine running Client in the monitoring, you must enable its response to DTCheck. You may do this remotely using Manager--see setting the Options on the Connection Details screen.

    Installing the service

    The Monitor Service is installed from the Advanced Settings tab page of Domain Time II Manager. Click on the Install button to begin the installation.

    Domain Time II Monitor Service - Install


    Monitor Service Control Panel Applet
    Once the Monitor Service has been installed, you may configure the service using its Control Panel applet. You can start the applet from the Advanced Settings and Tools tab page of Domain Time II Manager or directly from the Control Panel.

    Note: On Vista with UAC enabled, you must Shift+Right Click and choose Run As... from the context menu to launch the Control Panel applet. On Windows Server Core, type in domtimem.cpl on the command line.

    Domain Time II Monitor Service - Configure

    Domain Time II Monitor Service - Control Panel Icon

    Monitor Settings

    Use the Domain Time II Monitor Control Panel applet to configure the Domain Time II Monitor Service. Configuration is extremely simple.

      Domain Time II Monitor Service
      The Monitor Service Control Panel Applet

      Monitor should check the network
      This drop-down list allows you to set how often the Monitor will run its scan of the network.

      Send email summaries
      When this checkbox is checked, Monitor will send a report to your designated email recipient(s) of the time variances with the amount of detail that you specify using the radio buttons:

        Include all detail records
        Include only error details
        No detail records

      Save scan details to disk   Sorted by IP   Variance
      When this box is checked, Monitor saves the results of variance scans to individual files on the disk so that you may easily keep a running history. The entries in the reports will be sorted in the manner you indicate. See the Results section below for more information.

      Email Setup

      In order for variance reports and alerts to be sent by email, you need to fill out the fields in the Email Setup screen.

      Email Setup
      The Email Setup dialog

          Server Information
            SMTP Host:
            Enter the DNS name or IP address of the SMTP server you wish to use.

            SMTP Backup Host:
            Enter the DNS name or IP address of an SMTP server that you wish Monitor to use if the primary SMTP server is not available.

          Addressing Information

            FROM Email Address:
            This is the address that will be used as the FROM address. This can be any address your SMTP server is able to treat as a valid incoming address.

            TO Email Addresses
            These are the addresses you wish Monitor to send email to. These must be valid email addresses.

            HTML Format
            When this box is checked, Monitor will send its reports and alerts in HTML format for easier reading. Leave this box unchecked if you wish to receive your notices in plain ASCII text.

          Dial-Up Networking Settings
          Use these radio buttons to tell Monitor whether the monitoring machine is connecting over a dial-up networking connection.

            Wait for Dial-Up connection to send mail
            Use this setting if this machine only connects occasionally to the network using a dial-up networking connection.

            Send mail at any time (assumes LAN)
            If your monitoring machine is connected to a LAN with a full-time connection, use this setting.

    Alert Definitions

    The items in this section allow you to specify the type and amount of time variance that will be tolerated before Monitor generates an alert.

      The default values are suggestions only. The acceptable range of variance depends on your individual network and sync requirements. Use the Variance Report feature of Manager to get a good feel for the range of normal variance on your network, and then choose settings that will only flag time sync problems that you consider serious enough for intervention.

      If Master and Slaves disagree by or more milliseconds
      The synchronization between the master and its slaves is critical to overall time accuracy on the network. It is a good idea to specify a closer tolerance for these systems than for others on the network.

      If any one machine is off by or more milliseconds
      This specifies the outside limit of variance for any single machine, regardless of its role (server or client).

      If the average system variance is or more milliseconds

    Alert Actions

    Settings in this section define the actions that Monitor will take when an alert is triggered.

      Record details in Event Viewer Log
      Checking this box instructs Monitor to put alert information in the Windows Application Event logs.

      Display message to logged-in user
      When this box is checked, Monitor will pop up the control panel applet with a warning message to the user logged on to the machine running Monitor.

      Send detail report in email
      When this box is checked, Monitor will send error messages and details to the email recipients specified above.


      The Status indicator is a graphical representation of the state of time synchronization on your network. Under normal circumstances, this indicator will be green. If a time sync problem is detected, the indicator will change to match the severity of the problem.

      Click this button to pull up the the graphical Variance Report and Historical Records screen.

    Variance Report
    The Domain Time II Monitor Service Variance Report Screen

        Reports written to disk are displayed in the Variance Reports window. You can double-click on any report to pull it up (or highlight it and click the View Details button). This allows you to easily keep and review historical records of your variance reports.

        Note: You must have the Save scan details to disk option checked in the Monitor Settings section of the Control Panel applet for the historical reports to be kept and displayed here.

        Notice that summary details from each variance report are displayed in the Variances and Clock Comparisons sections of the window when you highlight a historical record. You can view the complete details of the historical record by clicking the View Details button.

      Clicking this button will bring up a graphical display of your collected data. You can select from a wide variety of graph types that let you see at a glance how well your network is being synchronized. You can also adjust the scale of the graph to your desired level of accuracy (from milliseconds to minutes).

    Graph Types


    Click this button to bring up the Advanced Settings page.

    Advanced Settings page
    The Domain Time II Monitor Service Advanced Settings Screen

    Reference Clock

    Select which system to treat as the reference clock for variance reports using the radio buttons in this section. All variances in the report will be calculated from this clock.

      Automatic - find a Domain Time II server and use it
      When this button is selected, Monitor will use the first Domain Time II Master Server it locates as the reference clock. If no master can be located, Monitor will try for a slave, then an independent server, and finally (if no Domain Time II servers can be located), it will use its own time.

      This Machine - use this machine's time as the reference
      When selected, Monitor will not search for a Domain Time II server; it will use it's own time as the reference.

      Pick a specific machine

        Specify a server that uses the Domain Time II protocol
        Enter the DNS name or IP address of a Domain Time II Server you want to use as the reference.

        Specify a server that uses the NTP/SNTP protocol
        Use this selection if you want to use an NTP time source as your reference (such as a external public Internet time server, a GPS network clock, or any other machine that provides the time via NTP). Enter the DNS name or IP address in the box.

    Important: Choosing a stable and reliable reference clock is critical to provide useful variance data on your network. If the reference clock's time varies greatly, your network will show large variances from sample to sample even if your network is actually well-synchronized. This graph shows the disastrous results of changing from a stable local GPS clock as a reference to an unstable internet source (

Graph Types
The first 8 data points are using a stable local GPS clock as the reference clock,
the remainder are from an unstable Internet source

    See many other interesting graphs on the Graphs page.

    Broadcast Address List

    Enter the broadcast address for subnets that you wish Monitor to scan for machines to sample. You can have Monitor use its own broadcast mask list or use the overall Broadcast Address settings from Manager's Advanced Settings and Tools page.

      Using the same list as Manager is usually the best choice since you can use Manager to see which machines are answering broadcasts and showing up in reports. However, if you wish to be sure that Monitor always contacts the same subnets regardless of what changes are made to Manager, then you'll want to fill in this list.


Domain Time II Software distributed by Microsemi, Inc.
Documentation copyright © 1995-2025 Greyware Automation Products, Inc.
All Rights Reserved
All Trademarks mentioned are the properties of their respective owners.